🔨 Welcome to the DROID hardware guides
The goal of the hardware guides are to:
- Procure all the required hardware components
- Assemble the hardware components into a functional platform
Step 1: Procure Hardware Components
The first step to replicate the DROID platform is to procure the required hardware. In the shopping list, we provide an exhaustive list of required components to assemble the platform along with a list of suppliers which you can reference when procuring items.
Step 2: Assemble Hardware Components
Once you have acquired the required hardware components, the assembly guide will walk you through assembling these components into a functional data collection platform. This includes, mounting the robot, cameras and grippers and a general cable management guide.
Final Result
By the end of both guides you should have a platform that resembles the image at the bottom of this page. If/when you get to this point congratulations, you are now ready to progress to the software setup